TF Collaboration Request

There's plenty of debate in the industry about what constitutes a "TF" (Time For) shoot and, so far, a definitive answer has never emerged that 100% of people will agree on. For the avoidance of doubt, The Model Hub definition is as follows ... "A collaboration between creative artists to the non-financial benefit and experience of everyone involved"

We will happily undertake TF work where ...

  • ... it benefits the model either through the end product or the gaining of experience.
  • ... everyone involved is allowed creative input - there is no "client".
  • ... the images can be used in portfolios and shared on social media.
  • ... final edited pictures will be delivered within 1 month.

We won't undertake TF work where ...

  • ... a business or individual directly benefits financially from the collaboration.
  • ... some members of the shoot will be paid (such as stylist or MUA) and others are expected to work in return for prints.
  • ... the images will be with-held for long durations (over 1 month).
Assuming you are of a similar mindset to our view of TFP, then we'd love to consider your proposal and invite you to fill in the form below with all the information required for us to start planning.

TFP Collaboration Booking Form




